Monday, June 3, 2013

IHERO / DICOM Prediction Market

I've been researching prediction markets lately, and have been thinking of ways that a prediction market could be useful in the medical imaging domain (particularly the RT domain).  A valuable set of events to be able to predict would be the support by various vendors for various DICOM objects or IHERO profiles.  The events could be broken down to the level of specific transactions to be supported (for IHERO profiles) or even support for particular modules or tags within a given DICOM class.

The events could also include device and schedules, so for instance "Odds that SIEMENS will support SRO objects for patient positioning by end of 2012" which would be a contract that pays a nominal $1 if SIEMENS actually provides support for the object.  That contract could then be supported by subcontracts representing potential implementation strategies that the support may assume.